Welcome to Our Legal and Accounting Colleagues!
At Short Hills Design, my team and I have been successfully building websites and providing SEO and Internet Marketing services for dentists and physicians for over a decade. Having built a superb reputation and achieved success in our industry, I’ve decided to share what we’ve learned with my legal and accounting colleagues!
Over time I built SHD from a tiny web firm to a well-established and noteworthy Internet Marketing company. Along they way, I’ve established myself as an innovator and thought-leader in the field. From my free Internet Marketing webinars, to my lectures around the country and my seminal book, “The Web Design Workbook for Dentists” , I am constantly learning and teaching – for the benefit of my clients, and our team. I would be remiss in not also mentioning our new Innovation Suite of Lead Generation programs, designed to help dentists, doctors (and soon attorneys and accountants) generate quality new patient (client) leads at a low price.
No story is complete without answering the “why” question – why did I decide to expand into the legal and accounting service fields. I could tell you that my father is a successful Tax Attorney and CPA, and that my sister is in-house counsel and a VP at a large enterprise company, and that’s why I decided to open our services to lawyers and accountants. But that would be only half of the story.
I’ve always recognized that the concepts and principles that apply to building a successful website and Internet Marketing presence for dentists and physicians apply equally to all service industries. However, it wasn’t until my own experience as a consumer of legal services, researching for solutions to the problems I needed to solve, did I realize that I wanted to apply my team’s skills and expertise to building legal and accounting websites. The reason are too numerous for this single page, and as such I’ve broken the content down into a blog post, where you will see what I saw on legal websites — as a potential client.
Having an informative, reliable and trustworthy website is no longer an option — it’s a requirement. I encourage you to browse this site and ask any questions you may have of me or of my team.
Welcome once again to shorthillslegal.com!
David A. Wank, DMD
President and COO
Short Hills Design, LLC